i guess i’m making progress, but it feels like i keep fixing the same things over and over again. also feels like there has got to be a more elegant way to accomplish what i am trying to pull off. why is fading between scenes so complex?
i finally got the restart button to fade out the screen when restart is selected, and return to the previous loading screen and re-fade into the level, but i am entirely unsure how i will handle this for later levels. my current solution involves a small script and individual animator controllers for every level, but it really feels like a terrible hack.
something about loading levels with Mecanim just doesn’t feel right in general. maybe eventually it should be a single animator controller with forking logic to load each level based on an integer type animation parameter… as opposed to separate controllers applied with prefab overrides and individual scripts to control state machine behaviour and load the appropriate scene. i feel i would need a globalish sort of variable to keep track of the furthest completed level. still need to look into data persistence… maybe that’s the answer, or just a public static integer.
made some slight changes to the mobile input system. added a background panel behind the joystick and moved it over to the left. also hooked up a fire button over to the right which is just the joystick handle with a blue tint for now.
::double sigh::
i didn’t think the menu would take this long or feel this messy. maybe i need a break from the programming side. perhaps some background music or 3d modelling for a change of pace… or just some more research… maybe actually play some games even.