
difficulty setting and play time integration

reintroduced the coding for difficulty setting and programmed a play time clock, so that I can finally see how long the gameplay itself is added the ticker to the menu and save file displays, although doing so required rebuilding a bit of the player’s prefab and animator graph.


impatient persistence

ended up restoring the project so it will be ready to go on monday


swapped scripting backend

what a rough day i remember it being tricky to go back and forth between scripting backend types (mono, IL2CPP) and needing the internet to do so, but I don’t recall having so many problems!


operation: paper push

no, seriously… i think this might help all of it needs to be done anyhow mayhap a month of dreary upkeep and a return to the masses of the online roleplayers be just what the doctor ordered i should real quick build a three kit kill version for test play during this time, the level progression values as is are definitely off-putting
