google play

swapped scripting backend

what a rough day i remember it being tricky to go back and forth between scripting backend types (mono, IL2CPP) and needing the internet to do so, but I don’t recall having so many problems!


data safety form complete

i managed to complete Google Play’s data safety form within a day, despite my initial expectations of its difficulty. in the end, it was just a matter of hunkering down and doing it.


hiatus drawing to a close

i can feel the pangs of art beginning to return after a month or so of respite. i think i shall try to ease myself back into the actual creative parts by working on some practical aspects, that have been neglected as of late, to begin.


with the cadence of peter lorre

what feels like an endless endeavour is slowly grinding along. better late than never, at least that’s what they say. finally published the second demo to the Google Play app store for internal testing phase 2.
