didn’t do anything yesterday starting to think taking a break every now and again after long periods of perserverence is actually necessary

today I didn’t do much either. spent some time studying up on things i will need to know later, like data persistence and started the first boss model. wasted a bit of time selecting a reference and then deciding against that particular design. essentially, i realised i should make the enemies and boss match as much as possible, so i selected one that incorporates similar design elements.

i expected to get the blocking of the model completely finished today, but rain kinda got in the way again, and the waste of time selecting a reference… i would say it’s probably about half way there.

modeling seems so boring for some reason compared to programming. i love to see the final result, but i hate getting there. programming feels like a rewarding process the whole way through. maybe it wouldn’t feel that way if i had a third dimension for reference… working with a top down reference, i am given X and Z, i hate having to figure out the Y, or height. it was easier to blame the rain and move to the laptop.

i did get some learning done through, so it wasn’t a total loss. after writing the c# script template for save/load with Visual Studio Code in Ubuntu on the laptop, i transferred the *.cs file to my Pixel 2 so I’ll have it handy when the time comes.