finished the high resolution model for the first boss model and got everything into zBrush and organized into appropriate subtool grouping. this time i am merging more subtools together that are similar/same base color and do not require any additional vertex painting. i also used a lot more meshes in general for the seperate pieces and the fact that model itself is large resulted in nearly two hundred subtools. this shouldn’t really be too much of a problem, as most of the work i will do at this stage will be vertex painting.

on a side note, learned a cool trick for zBrush to have an on-screen palette for quick access. it should save me a lot of time punching in color values and cut my hard-surface zBrush time down even further. basically, you create a plane and assign a color palette image as the texture and select flat color as the material. next, position the plane where you want it and hit shift+s. then select your subtool and enjoy sampling from the palette.