cannot believe this is all i really got done today! kinda upset about it. was having a lot of issues getting meshes to decimate. they would either disappear or start to blink randomly when viewed from certain angles.
at first i thought it was a symmetry problem and perhaps that had something to do with some pieces, but in the end the sollution for the most troublesome part was infuriating. i have to remember this in the future, because i had the same problem with the last model and it took just as long to figure out such a simple workaround.
ALWAYS REMEMBER WHEN USING DECIMATION MASTER: if meshes behave unexpectedly, export the problem subtool as *.OBJ and reimport. that’s it, that’s the fix. it’s also the reason all i really got done today was decimating my model and getting it into Topogun. i guess i did spend a part of the day packaging an item i sold on eBay, but it felt unproductive. i did get a little headstart on tomorrow’s work retopologizing, but unfortunately the entire thing will likely take days.