things have been really hard going these last few days. I don’t know if I am slipping or if the learning curve just ramped itself up. been following an excellent set of lessons and have been trying to refactor and comment a bit as i go; i thought it would help me understand how complex systems like the ones I’m used to interacting with in just about every game I like, are created and designed.
in a nutshell i spent the majority of the past two days looking for an iterator i missed. i didn’t even fully realize for loops could have more than one iterator (well, maybe i read that somewhere as a textbook definition once and instantly forgot about it, but i am not used to looking for them, you can be sure), suffice to say it was a valuable lesson. just one little i++, and it cost me two days.
when they say attention to detail is crucial, they weren’t kidding. maybe the blasted iterator blended in? it is so common to see an i variable increment at the end of a for loop declaration, maybe the second iterator just stood out because it was different and i was only expecting a single one? who can say, but i feel like i leveled up, mentally or something.