didnt get much time to work on it today, but i implemented the calculation for player damage dealt to use the new character stats and actually be effected by equipment, so it feels big to be able to hit a character button, equip a weapon and see an immediate increase in damage. still need to factor in the armor stat for damage received.

im keeping around the the previous version of character stats that only had a simple set of two values for attack and defense as a basic version for enemy stats. right now the player bullet damage is being calculated by the player controller class and im not too sure if that’s a good or bad thing. maybe ill refactor it into a strictly enemy stats class and rename the stats to power/armor at the same time. enemy ships shouldn’t really need to use the custom CharacterStat class i created, unless i want them to start buffing themselves or something, but that isn’t really what i see them being for.

my current idea places enemy ships as a sort of quick-time-event. they in all likelihood should kill you, if you don’t react and tap them before they can, or dodge them. they should be scary when they spawn. for the most part they should be unaffected by normal bullets, only a charge blast or ability can take them out. tapping them allows different (turn based? special bar?) attack options and disposing of them yields some of the rarer items.

still no UI animation for the status/equip/inventory screen; im pretty set on the idea of eventually making the level backgrounds out of geometry, if not for the sole purpose of learning a bit of Houdini. i think some procedural height field generation should do the trick and serve as a good beginning subject before i try to tackle more complex structures, such as buildings and the like.

so much to do, so little manpower, lol