finishing up a bit early today, due to it being a good stopping point and that i am satisfied with my progress. it wasn’t exactly a full day, but some of the changes were pretty big, as far as helpfulness and consideration, even if they were small in terms of effort or actual work. sometimes the difficult part is having the epiphany, not actually putting it into practice; maybe it only works out this way when you get lucky. in keeping with the revelation i had when i made the WorldLevel class, i created a simple World ScriptableObject to house the WorldLevel array and a bool to keep track of world complete status. this allows me to quickly plug-in different world objects to the game controller and decreases the time i spend setting up different worlds to test, as well as allows editing the related variables without even having the scene loaded; pretty cool. on another note, i simplified the way the mobile controls are handled, pretty much letting them be handled by the dialogue controller, disabling/enabling them as it displays dialogue. overall, it brings more consistency to how the level start process feels to play. it rids a lot of unnecessary logic from the enemy spawn loop and makes a debug variable i am using have explicitly that purpose. the last big, yet small change i made was actually what i initially started out to accomplish today and it sort of boiled over into all these other wonderful advances. i edited the IntroductionComplete property’s conditions to make more sense, given the new context of the WorldLevel and World classes, and changed the local variable it returns to static, allowing the data to persist between scenes. i am very pleased.