restart or retry means you redo kinda laughing a bit at that line here. before it just kind of restarted the spawn loop, reset your position and healed you up. now, any experience you obtained while playing the stage is lost when you either manually restart the level, or die and try agsin funny that it took as much effort as it did, perhaps that is a symptom of modern gamedev… some strange snafu when something oft considered an aged, old fashioned type of mechanic or functionality is actually harder to implement than a more sophisticated mainstream approach a time worn game rule: you die; you go back. death means no progress, or at least having to repeat a step or two you’ve already completed. try again; this truth may seem like gaming 101 to many, but the fundamental design principle seems to be disappearing more and more from modern games and in some is altogether nonexistent. could it be because of this? while it is true there have been entire genres based around the penalty of death, most of which are entirely focused on setting a deliberate level of high difficulty however, even we as human beings live and die by the same evolutionary process: practice makes perfect; we learn by repetition, the cliches go on and on. to remove this from games altogether is to remove what makes them so easy to adore and relate with, even if from my experience, it seems easier to program (this could just be due to me being a newbie gamedev and my current architecture being unoptimized, but i digress…)
if a game is too easy and just hands you a victory, did you really do anything? you may as well have sat on the couch passively and watched one of those dime a dozen flicks where good triumphs evil on your streaming platform of choice, saw the hero save the world and called it a night we’re gamers though, right? we want to play. sure, winning is a part of the game, some may even argue the best part, but overcoming difficulty and adversity is the reward for our perseverance; the end of the struggle, the spoils for the victor. through trials and challenges we have developed skill at the game, we can beat it. without this transistion, you didn’t even play at all… sure, you saw the same cutscene as everybody else and went through the same experience, but in a game without difficulty you may as well be part of the applause