made a neat animated material to indicate the weak areas of the boss… they glow. still need to adjust the colliders a bit, i think. started to create the attack loop logic. i’ve been nervous about starting it, but if i just take it one step at a time, i think it will be okay. really, it’s just going to be a series of conditions for different attacks, each with their own recast timers. i don’t know why it’s freaking me out. i added a lunge if the player is low, going to add projectiles next and missiles eventually. going to just flesh out the AI in that fashion… can it be called AI? hahah, don’t think so, unless it adapts in some way. hmm… atill need to explode it and disable when it’s killed and to.hide the UI when the menu is accessed. it may be time to figure out my ability ring thing I’m planning, at least maybe program the abilities to buttons for now