finally started setting up the second boss, it is tougher going than I had anticipated. for whatever reason, it doesn’t feel like I gave as much consideration beforehand to exactly how this particular boss would articulate what its possible attack patterns may be I then began to realise I hadn’t decided where either of the remaining two boss’ weaknesses were going to be located either. so, I decided to mull the possibilities over a bit while I worked on setting up the joints. due to how this model had been constructed, I opted for a combination of skin weight blending and direct bone binding. this allows stretching in certain areas for animating the extension of the wings and wing tips, as I had not preplanned and left additional geometry to prevent stretching, as I did with boss ship 3 still need to do the actual animations, setup the damage colliders, the weakness points, as mentioned previously and the enemy battle stats. after that, I setup the animator controller flow and attack states, then code the coroutine cycle that activates the appropriate state based on various battle conditions still a ways to go, I guess I really forgot how complicated the boss setup is