spent the whole week painting textures and creating shaders for the big attack for the primary attack of the second boss. had some issues with photoshop’s recognition of my wacom tablets pressure sensitivity, it was weird and I could have swore it was working. reinstalled the drivers trying to get it to work, but i think the real issue was having windows ink disabled in the wacom settings. trying to incorporate one or two new attack mechanics with each boss, the previous boss having homing missiles and the additive animator movements. the shaders took the first half of the week. i created a two-sided shader that allows for tinting the front and rear faces different colors, as well as a fresnel effect for the front faces and some noise and mask textures that can have the UV coordinates and/or alpha clip threshold animated to simulate flowing energy wave type effects. spent a tiny bit of time creating some simple meshes with variants containing different UV coordinates for rendering these particles. hoping to get the whole effect put together next week, that includes the particle systems and the integration into the boss attack loop coroutine