two or three days of depression, so I’m working on a holiday. at least it is my least favorite one, maybe second to new year’s, i suppose didn’t really do much. have been wondering why there were visible seams in my desert terrain and actually tried two different approaches to correct the issue, but it was essentially a huge waste of time. i was hand painting textures and testing, almost did the whole decimation and projection process over again from step one and it was just a simple mistake. i had all the tiles in the strip set to the textures that belonged to the first tile… maybe it was so hard to see what would normally be a blatant mistake because for whatever reason, it almost looked correct. i kept thinking it was a seam issue, when the ENTIRE tile was wrong. not only was it wrong, but it was repeated wrong three times. how could i have missed something so obvious? the debacle sort of gives wind to the argument that i needed a break, but it wasn’t really any easier to spot after the time off, it took three and a half hours of trying to cover up seams that weren’t even really there ::facepalm::