Development Log

I hear people call them blogs nowadays.

more of the same

didnt get much time to work on it today, but i implemented the calculation for player damage dealt to use the new character stats and actually be effected by equipment, so it feels big to be able to hit a character button, equip a weapon and see an immediate increase in damage.


web presence and inventory integration

starting a new once a week commitment to building a web and social media presence for my projects. have officially signed up as a Google Play developer under the name Tetrachord.



things have been really hard going these last few days. I don’t know if I am slipping or if the learning curve just ramped itself up. been following an excellent set of lessons and have been trying to refactor and comment a bit as i go; i thought it would help me understand how complex systems like the ones I’m used to interacting with in just about every game I like, are created and designed.



hard day rect transforms and anchors and nested objects
