Development Log

I hear people call them blogs nowadays.

uvw and texture progress on bossShip_01

kind of a troublesome day… accomplished: laid out the uv’s and textured the wing section of the first boss model. fights: had some problems early on in the day, everything i exported from zBrush was coming out with fragmented sections of polys.


not finished > no progress

i can’t believe its been a week and this model isn’t retopologized yet. to be fair, i lost a few days this week to unexpected circumstances, but i really thought it could be done by today and i am still working on topology… when topology doesn’t even matter.


boss model decimated

cannot believe this is all i really got done today! kinda upset about it. was having a lot of issues getting meshes to decimate. they would either disappear or start to blink randomly when viewed from certain angles.


zBrush painting/sculpting done

finished the painting and sculpting i needed to do in zBrush, which wasn’t much. my zBrush phase now consists of: vertex painting material IDs for Substance Painter, making sure the various forms and layering of subtools are watertight for retopology in Topogun with the good ‘ol move brush, and lastly, decimating everything into a more bitesized polygon count and merging it all into a single subtool.
