
the headless woman & the skip button

it had been awhile since I modeled a human from scratch, so I started one to use as the final boss; shake things up a bit from the machines. progress is going smoothly, mainly because my references seem to be well crafted added a skip button for the dialogue, in case people like to die quickly and numerously.


with the cadence of peter lorre

what feels like an endless endeavour is slowly grinding along. better late than never, at least that’s what they say. finally published the second demo to the Google Play app store for internal testing phase 2.


boss ship 2 rigged

finally started setting up the second boss, it is tougher going than I had anticipated. for whatever reason, it doesn’t feel like I gave as much consideration beforehand to exactly how this particular boss would articulate what its possible attack patterns may be I then began to realise I hadn’t decided where either of the remaining two boss’ weaknesses were going to be located either.


immense suffering

have been doing terrible, but slowly getting back in the swing of things fixed a few bugs this week that weren’t game breaking and as such have been lingering around for a year or more.
