Development Log

I hear people call them blogs nowadays.

something said for difficulty

restart or retry means you redo kinda laughing a bit at that line here. before it just kind of restarted the spawn loop, reset your position and healed you up. now, any experience you obtained while playing the stage is lost when you either manually restart the level, or die and try agsin funny that it took as much effort as it did, perhaps that is a symptom of modern gamedev… some strange snafu when something oft considered an aged, old fashioned type of mechanic or functionality is actually harder to implement than a more sophisticated mainstream approach a time worn game rule: you die; you go back.



seems like destroying the persistent player on the loading screen when returning to the title screen solved the issue i was having with the modal window as a bonus, it appears that when i was working through all the ADB errors yesterday trying everything i could, i fixed a few bugs i had no idea how to tackle not sure how i should proceed tomorrow.


redone redos

i kinda feel like i am continually fixing the same problems over and over maybe thats just what development feels like? i can’t really be sure yet, the process is still rather new to me i hope with experience, i learn to write more easily extensible code.


life interference

been pretty chaotic lately managed to get the level system growth curve implementation going… only the experience is working currently, but the stats should be much the same i’m not sure if the data structure I was working on for saving level progress is going to work… I should probably look into serializing the scriptable object itself instead of copying the relevant info into a class specifically for saving restarting the level picks up from the correct iteration now and the quit button has a map and gameplay context.
