Development Log

I hear people call them blogs nowadays.

boss (spaceShip_004) high res done

finished the high resolution model for the first boss model and got everything into zBrush and organized into appropriate subtool grouping. this time i am merging more subtools together that are similar/same base color and do not require any additional vertex painting.


boss high poly modeling almost done

second day of modeling… really didn’t do much yesterday, but was pretty productive today. always seems like it just takes a bit of time for the form to sink in.


study and a return to dcc

didn’t do anything yesterday starting to think taking a break every now and again after long periods of perserverence is actually necessary today I didn’t do much either. spent some time studying up on things i will need to know later, like data persistence and started the first boss model.


basic framework fully implemented

most of the basic functionality you’d expect from a game interface is in place, the modal window is functioning properly and has been customized further to allow for momentary in-game announcements as well.
