Development Log

I hear people call them blogs nowadays.

decided to test game with proper builds as opposed to Unity Remote

for whatever reason, getting the editor to see my device (Pixel 2) on the Unity Remote app is a bit clumsy, at best. i’m not really too sure how i even got it to work.


tried like hell to test mobile input using Unity Remote

so, i went through a bit of an ordeal setting up Unity Remote, i wanted to test out the mobile controls i have been working on for the game on an actual touchscreen device.


nailed down importing FBX files with PBR textures pre-attached into Unity

extensive sleep alluded me i think i figured out the whole importing into unity with embedded materials thing save the textures into the unity project with the same name (convention?) first.



been doing a lot of inadvertent research into newer character production pipelines than i am familiar with. i feel i have been stagnant for too long and my workflow was possibly dated before i learnt it in college, so progress is progress.
